"There was me, that is Alex, and my three droogs, that is Pete, Georgie and Dim, and we sat in the Korova Milk Bar trying to make up our rassoodocks what to do with the evening." One of the most iconic opening shots in the history of cinema introduces us to the main characters, the film's Nadsat language, its distinctive interior design and the intentions of Alex and his gang. The shot is just a straightforward tracking shot, starting on a close up of Alex's face, made-up and staring malevolently out at the audience, and pulls slowly back to reveal the gang, the bar, other customers and and a white-clad bouncer. It is simple, but still cinematic perfection.
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang Title Sequence
This title sequence serves to introduce the main actors and makers of the film. It is an animated sequence which is done to the style of the film and gets the audience ready for what is about to be shown. The sequence incorperates the theme of love (kiss) and violence (bang) and is portrayed through guns shooting out flowers or leaves. It mixes blood splattered on a piece of paper with a red lipstick kiss next to it which again combines the two unlikely elements. As with all title sequences the sequence must have a specific colour scheme which relates to the film - in this case it's orange. This helps the overall visual effect of the film making look really attractive. In this particular opening sequence everything seems very abstract - even the camera as it tracks and pans at different speeds, changing from one sequence to the next. This title sequence is very similar to the ones you would see at the beginning of a James Bond movie such as Casino Royale. However, for someone such as me to create something like this I would need to be very proficient in programs such as After Effects - and I'm not :(
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