The timeline shows the history of horror movies, from when the genre starts and from when it finishes. The genre was kicked off from 'the master of suspense' Alfred Hitchcock in the 1960s with all time classic 'Psycho' and set the bar for horror movies too come. After other such successes such as 'The Birds' we then move on in to the 1970s. The 1970s was all about taking horror to another level and this was achieved through shocking films such as 'The Exorcist' which caused quite a stir from the public due to it's satanic type story. This is the decade where a lot of these films would be re-made at a later date as their storylines were original and that combined with the special effects of the 21st century would make convincing films. The 1980s for me is the last decade where horror films shone and classics such as 'Nightmare on Elm Street' were produced and sequels would later be made. The 1990s in my opinion is where horror films start to go downhill, sure there are still classics such as 'Scream' but the genre is starting to die out and get a little bit repetitive. With this in mind, the 21st century changes the typical horror film by taking it in to a sub-genre the likes of which no-one had ever seen. Films such as 'Saw' and 'Hostel' are not your typical horror films as they are whats know as 'torture porn' in this modern day. These films capitalise on mass amounts of blood, gore and guts to freak the viewer out and it has found a credible audience giving a large appeal for such films as sequels to the above movies have been made. They have only got worse and worse in terms of how much blood and how far they go with scenes of torture. In my opinion these types of films won't too long before the appeal reduces as there is an extent to how many times you can 'up the ante'.
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