Sunday, February 1, 2009

Evaluation Question 3

3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Our media product, although might be enjoyed by a mainstream or Hollywood type of audience, is a cult status type of film. Reasons why it should be shown in independent cinema's:

- The genre of film noir is not one that today’s mainstream is too familiar with. Films like Sin City have given a modern take on the genre which managed to attract both audiences’.

-Our production company, Eyeless Productions, makes a lot of films in the genre of film noir, thriller and horror.

-The film opening we have created looks and feels like an independent, student film.

Moreover, the idea of showcasing it at film festivals is also a good idea as much emphasis is placed upon camera work and editing which would be much more appreciated in this audience. The low budget feel and lack of major special effects also means that it might not attract the mainstream audience who are increasingly becoming used to massive budget films such as '300' (2006 Zach Snyder) and 'The Golden Compass' (2007 Chris Weitz) which completely engulf the idea of CGI, visual effects and extensive built sets.

The Eyeless Production Company make films using low budgets which hinder the ability to promote and distribute those films on a mass scale. The internet, however, allows us to reach the cult status audience we aim for. Methods such as:

-The Eyeless Production site
-Cult film forums e.g. The Cult section of

All of these technologies give us, a producer and distributer, the opportunity to present films through a medium our target audience understands. Our production company is similar to the likes of Haxan Films Production Company who produced 'The Blair Witch Project' (1999 Daniel Myrick). They used their low budget to their advantage and created something new and original which was a hand held movie which made it appear more realistic. The same technique was also used in the movie Cloverfield (2008 Matt Reeves).